The library was so crowded today it took me half an hour to get a book when usually it just takes five to ten minutes. I would have come back seeing the line if it was not so important. I lost my book some days ago and realised this just now. Plus next week we have a test.
I really have to stop loosing things.
I adjust the bag on my shoulder and start walking.
Mom will kill me if she gets to know that I am out at night again. I had to promise Chloe that I will return soon to stop her from calling Mom.
I take the sidewalk instead of the alley. I am not a fool. I know how shady the alleys are at this time. I have watched enough thrillers to know that.
When I almost reach my destination I hear some muffled noises from somewhere. Looking around I do not see anyone so I continue. Seconds into the walk and I hear that again. I turn around and the voice stops. Again. This time I wait to hear it clearly. The noise comes again and looks like it is coming from behind me. I tip toe following the voices and it takes me to an alley. I stop at the corner, not looking in.
I should not go. It will not be good. But what if someone needs me? I am going in. I am not. I am going. I am not.
Just then a small scream comes out, ending my inner turmoil. I would not have been able to hear it if I was not so close. That is the last straw. I build enough courage and look at what is happening in there.
Just as I thought. Some men in black are beating the shit out of someone. The man is laying on the ground covered in blood. I can not see their faces in the darkness of the alley. But seeing the man’s condition, one more blow and he will be dead. A man pulls out a gun and shoots him on the stomach. He screams in pain. But the noise is not much due to him not having enough energy I think. Blood gushes out from the wound. The man is aiming his gun at his head now.
This is too much. They will kill him. I have to do something. I have to stop them.
I think I have said it out loud because now all of their attention is turned to me.
They are looking at me and I see them through the light coming from the nearby lamp post. They are not wearing any mask like goons do. Neither are they in hoodies. In fact they are in well fitted black suits. All of them. The clothes they are wearing look expensive. Which is not normal. Thieves do not wear clean clothes. But theirs are, except the blood splattered on them.
The man with the gun points It at me and I realise what a grave mistake I have done jumping in this situation unarmed and alone.
I will not die like this. I refuse to die in the hands of a criminal.
“Stop it. I will call 911. The police station is near. It will not take them much time to come here.” I pull out my phone. “I have contacts there. They will not spare you.” I lie.
When they do not budge I use another option. “Look, this can be solved if you guys leave him there. I will not call the police. No violence.” I say as calmly as possible in this case.
They do not say anything and the man with the gun looks back at the others, saying, “Deal with him.” Then he stalks towards me with his gun pointed.
I start to step back with my hands raised.
“I mean no harm. I just want to save him.” I explain but the man still doesn’t stop. He turns off the safety of the gun and alarms go off in my head.
This is it. This is how I die. In a dark, dirty alley. No one is going to find my body. But it was worth saving a life.
I look at the man on the ground in the pool of blood. Unmoving. He died. They killed him. There is no good in trying to save him now.
With this thought in mind, I sharply turn around, ready to make a run for my life. Unfortunately, I bump into a hard chest, making me look up at the person, rubbing my forehead. Instant relief flashes over me seeing him here. Mr. Stranger is standing there, his large body towering over my small frame. A large smile takes over my face.
“What are you doing here?” He is looking down at me with his eyebrows furrowed.
“Thank God, you are here. They...” I point at the men, “Killed that man and are now behind me.” I turn towards him again.
“I asked you a question.” He says emphasizing.
“I was passing by. Heard a scream and came here.”
“To save him.” He completes for me.
“I could not just leave like that.”
“Of course you could not.” He looks irritated, I do not know why.
He is standing in a way the men can not see his face. “Come back here.” The man with the gun interrupts us.
Hearing him, I clutch Mr. Stranger’s arm tightly.“Please.” I look at him pleadingly.
I know he can just leave me here and go. I just treated his arm. Nothing else. But at this moment, he is my last option.
He puts him hand on mine clutching his arm and turns around, now at the men.
The man’s eyes go wide as soon as he sees who the man with me is. “Bo…” He starts and walks towards us.
Mr. Stranger just glares at him, making him stop in his tracks.
“Leave.” Mr. Stranger tells, more like orders and I just look between them, confused.
“But bo…” The man starts again only to be cut off by a growl.
“I said leave.” Mr. Stranger grits his teeth.
The men leave the alley with their heads lowered.
As soon as they leave I look at him, suspiciously. “Did you know know them?”
“Then how did you do that?”
“I have my ways.” He shrugs. I know he is intimidating. Tall and strong and everything. But that can not be the only reason.
“I have connections. Even if I do not know them, they know me.” He explains, as if reading my mind. It is not much but still something.
“Now let’s go. You should not have been here. It is dangerous.” He goes to walk out.
“But that man?” I turn towards his body.
“Leave it.”
“We should at least check.”
“No. Come on.”
“I am not going anywhere without helping him if he is still alive.” I stand my ground.
He looks at me for a while not saying anything. If looks could kill I would have been accompanying that man on the ground by now. Then he stalks towards the body and crouches down to his level, placing two fingers before the man’s nose, checking his breathing. He curses something silently.
“What?” I go near him, anticipation bubbling inside.
“Not dead.” He gets up, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping his fingers.
“Thang god.” I breathe out, the tension leaving my body.
“We should take him to a hospital.” I suggest.
“No.” He stops me.
“He will die if we do not.” I try to reason.
“We can not.”
“Why not?”
“It is a police case. They will keep pestering you. Do you want that?”
“Then what to do now?”
“I know someone.”
“I will go with you.” He does not argue on this.
He takes the body and lays it down on the back seat of his car. He sits behind the steering wheel and I take the passenger’s seat.
We stop in front of a decent looking loking house in a secluded area surrounded by trees. There is no other house in the radius.
Mr. Stranger calls someone and the door to the house instantly opens. Out comes a man of middle age. Hurrying his steps to the car.
He opens the door to the back seat and silently takes out the body, carrying it in the house. Mr. Stranger comes out of the car and I follow him inside awkwardly.
The man carries his body to a room which looks out of a hospital. Beds, machines, white walls, long curtains, sofa and chairs for visitors and what not. There is everything a patient will probably need.
“I am a doctor.” The man says ending my curiosity and I nod my head.
Placing his body on the white bed, he looks at us. “What exactly happened with him?” I tell him everything I have witnessed in that alley.
He quickly puts an oxygen mask on him and attaches some wires to his body.
“He will survive, right?” I ask the doctor.
Mr. Stranger mutters something along the words “For now”, but I decide not to pay attention to that.
He surely will not say something like that about a dying man.
“Can not say anything right now.” The doctor replies. “If you would please…”
Taking the hint Mr. Stranger and I walk out of the room.
“I will drop you.” He says looking at his phone.
“I can go by myself.”
“And end up in another alleyway?”
That was mean!
“That was…”
“Do you know where you are?” He looks at me pointedly and I stay silent.
I wanted to say that was a one time thing.
“Get going. I do not have more time to waste.” He exits the house and sits in the car, with me following.
The car ride is quiet. He stops his car opposite of my university. I take my bag and come out silently, not wanting to bother him anymore. He was rude before. I do not want to argue with him again. As soon as I step out, the car starts again. I do not look back this time.
The road is empty. Just some boys lingering around. I do not like the way their eyes watch my moves hungrily.
Ignoring them I go to cross the road but one of them passes by me, looking me up and down.
Boys of these days!
I start again and he does it again.
Looking him in the eyes, I step front, challenging him. He smirks at me and comes to interrupt me again. But just before he can, a strong arm comes around and settles on my waist. Then Mr. Stranger comes in my view.
He looks at the boy and then the others dangerously, daring any of them to make a move. They recoil. He then crosses the road with me. Swapping his positions to the side from where the cars are coming. His grip on me hard as iron. Not once does he look at me while doing it.
I do not have any idea why he is doing this. Did he not just leave?
But it does not matter now. I am just thankful that he did not.
Reaching the gates of the building he leaves my waist and I immediately feel the loss of warmth. Scolding myself for feeling this way for a stranger I look at him.
For some time no one of us speaks anything. We just stare at each other. Then I break the trance, not being able to bear the intensity when he clenches his jaw.
“Thanks, Mr. …” I stop, remembering I still do not know his name. Even after we have spent so much time together.
“Alessandro.” He says.
“Umm…thank you Alessandro.” I give him a small smile. “By the way I am Anastasia but you can call me Ana.” I extend my hand for a shake.
Done with the stranger phase finally.
“Go now.” He nods his head at the direction of my dorms, ignoring my little introduction and my hand blatantly.
He still did not acknowledge my gratitude.
Rude man!
“Bye.” I whisper and turn around.
“Stay out of trouble.” He says just when I enter the gates.
I turn towards him, squinting my eyes, ready to give a lecture. But then I stop myself, remembering that he saved me twice today. He deserves this much. So I nod my head silently, agreeing to whatever the hell he just said. But next time I will not spare.
He crosses the road and gets inside his car. But starts it only when I am fully inside the building.
I look at my watch. Again late. Chloe will have my head for sure.
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