3rd Person's POV~

The grand hall buzzes with anticipation, hushes, and murmurs all around, waiting for the time to come. Waiting for him.

The large doors to the room open with a loud thud and two soldiers follow the route. Everyone stands up from their seats in attention, straightening their posture, hands crossed at their backs.

Then, he enters and everyone bows their heads, no one meeting his gaze. Some out of respect and some out of fear. He stalks toward his throne in a regal way, his stance like the king that he is.

He ascends his throne, opening the buttons of his suit jacket and holds up his hand, silently ordering his men to sit down and all of them take their seats. The two soldiers escorting him to his seat, bow their heads before him and leave the room.

Francesco and Gabriele take their places at two sides of him. Francesco on the right side, and Gabriel on the left.

Francesco is his underboss, the second-in-command to the family. His right hand. He is the boss' cousin too, the son of uncle Federico, his father's brother. While Gabriele is the consigliere. The legal advisor to the family.

Francesco turns to him, asking, "Shall we?"

He gestures with his right hand, telling Francesco to proceed with the work.

A middle aged man stands up from the crowd with a black suitcase in his hand.

He bows his head in front of the Don, showing his respect.

"Speak," Francesco orders.

"Don, I am honoured to..." He starts.

"Come to the point." He cuts him off.

The man gulps in fear and humiliation, then continues, "Angelo says he wants more time."

"Why?" He asks.

"To pay the sum. He says he does not have anything on him right now. Whatever he had, he already paid you that." The man explains.

"I will not repeat. Why?" He thunders, his gaze sharp.

Francesco informs, "Last week he lost a great amount while gambling, and whoring around in Vegas."

"So he has enough money to play, but not enough to pay me."

The man stays silent, not daring to interfere.

"Damien,” he calls out.

"Yes, boss?" The said man stands up.

Damien is the head of the assassins under his roof. Though he is not a made man like all the others here, he has proved himself to be worthy of that position.

"Pay him a visit. Every debt should be cleared." He commands.

"Yes, boss." Damien nods his head, looking him in the eye, understanding the hidden meaning of his words.

Damien is one of those few people who have the audacity to meet his stare. Including Francesco and Adriano. He trusts these three with his life. Outside of work, Damien is the only friend he has. Well sort of.


A capo stands up from his seat, clearing his throat, and bows his head.

"What did he do?" He asks his cousin.

"He did not. He is the victim." Francesco makes it clear. "Bring him in."

At his order, the guards bring in a half beaten man in the room, dragging him by his collar and everyone's attention falls on the man.

"He is Gambino's man." Francesco tells him, and his gaze hardens.

"He and his group attacked Marco," Francesco looks at the man who has been standing for a while now. "One of our men's house last night and tried to extract information from him. He called us and I sent some men. By the time our men got there, they have already fled, but only this one here, was caught."

"Reason?" He asks.

"Gambino wants to know about our upcoming drug deal."

"Did he get it?"

"No. Marco did not give away anything to their men, so they beat him. "

He nods his head at Marco, appreciating his loyalty and Marco bows his head in response.

"Tell Nico to give him a blank cheque as a reward for his loyalty, and take him to the hospital. The expenses will be on us. Give his pending works to someone else until he recovers." He orders, "And tomorrow morning, present Gambino with his man's head in a box at his door step."

The man starts screaming after hearing this, thrashing in the guards' hold, asking for mercy from a man who is notorious for his merciless ways.

"Ok, boss," Francesco nods, and the guards take the man out of the room.

"Thank you, boss." Marco's eyes gleam in gratitude for their Don.

"You deserve this for what you have done." He turns to his cousin. "Any casualty?"

"He lives alone."

"Good." He nods.

"But there was a...girl with him. At that time." Francesco clears his throat.

"Girlfriend?" He asks.

"No, boss." Francesco quips. "She, umm...was just there for a night." His cousin hesitates.

It is clear that the tough and brave underboss is not really comfortable in this department.

"And?" His tone is cold as he speaks this time.

"They caught them in the act and tried to force her. When she did not agree, they killed her on the spot." Francesco explains plainly.

His calculating gaze turns to Marco.

"Did she come to your house on her own?" He asks the man standing in the middle of the room.

"No, boss." Marco answers.


"I called her."

"Did you try to save her?" He asks.

"She was just a whore, boss." Marco goes to justify.

"Yes, or no?" His jaw ticks.

"No, boss." Marco lowers his head.

"Did she ask you to?"

"Yes, boss." His voice is a mere whisper now.

"How are you still alive, then?" He asks next.

Marco's head whips up at the question. “Boss?”

"Did I stutter?" His voice roars in the silent room.

"No-no boss." His tone wavers, and he timidly answers. "I fought them."

"Then why did you not for her?"

"I thought..she was not important." Marco gulps.

"Not important?" He hums, "Interesting. And you think you are?" He asks Marco.

Marco stays silent, his head down.

"Francesco, " He calls his cousin and Francesco turns to him. "Does he have any relatives?"

"Just his mother, boss." Francesco informs.

"You are free now." He orders Marco.

"Thank you, boss." Marco breathes out, his shoulders slumping in relief.

Marco walks up to him and stops before his throne, extending his hand, asking for the Don's hand to kiss.

"No need." He dismisses him.

Marco stands up, bows in front of him and turns on his heels, leaving the room.

He stops Marco in midway, "And Marco...."

Marco turns around, facing him. His eyes widen in sheer terror, seeing the gun in his boss's hand. Cold sweats run down his forehead.

"She was under your protection. It was your duty to ensure her safety before your own."

Fear clutches Marco's heart hearing his words.

He cocks his head to the side, sizing up the trembling man.

"And I just realised you are not important as well."

Then, a loud gunshot echoes throughout the whole room and everyone present in the hall watch the horrible scene unfold before them.

A bullet has went right through Marco's forehead, piercing his skull, splattering the blood everywhere and numbing every other noise for the time being. The lifeless body of Marco falls back on the ground, his eyes wide open.

But no one dares to utter a single word of protest, afraid that they might anger the demon more and get the same fate as Marco.

"Clean the mess, and take care of his mother until she breathes her last." He orders.

"On it, boss." Francesco nods.

Men hurriedly come in, and take away the body, cleaning the blood right after.

He puts the gun back in his waistband and stands up, buttoning up his suit jacket. Everyone follows suit and stands up.

"Any woman who is under your protection should be your first priority; be it your whore, girlfriend or wife. I do not want to hear. And a man who can not even protect his woman does not deserve to live." He says looking at the men in front of him.

Everyone nods, saying, "Sì, boss."


"Anyone brave enough to think otherwise?" His voice thunders again, daring anyone to go against him.

"No, boss." Everyone quickly says in a chorus, their hearts pounding in their chests.

"Thought so. The meeting is adjourned for the day, gentlemen." He orders.

They bow their heads before him, and leave the room.

Now it is only him, Francesco, Damien, and Gabriele.

"I will take your leave now, Alessandro." Gabriele turns to him.

"Ok." He nods.

Only a few people have the privilege of calling him by his first name except his family. But only when there are close ones. Not ever in front of others.

As soon as Gabriele leaves Damien chimes in. "That was a lot of romantic dialogue from a man that has not ever dated." Damien smirks.

"You do not have to date a woman to respect her." He replies to the assassin, annoyed.

"It runs in our blood. You will not understand." Francesco looks at Damien, bored.

"Yeah, yeah. Italian bullshit, and all." Damien waves his hands.

Francesco’s jaws tighten in anger, and he looks at his cousin.

"Smettila!" He growls, successfully shutting up everyone in the room. "I already have a headache, and you two are just contributing to it." He rubs his forehead, taking his phone out of the jacket pocket and checking the emails and notifications.

(Shut it!)

"You should take some rest. We will handle everything." Francesco says.

"He is right. You have been stressing yourself too much." Damien agrees.

"Maybe. But after I end this."

"You never listen." Francesco groans.

"Where is Dino?" He checks his wrist watch, and asks the two, looking up at them.

"Should be here by now." His cousin says.

"Hmm." He nods. "I am leaving, then. I was in a hurry. Have not met him in the morning." He gets up, pocketing his cell phone.

"Tell him 'hi' from me." Damien says.

"You just met him yesterday." He gives the assassin an incredulous look.

"Does not mean I can not miss him." Damien jokes.

"Come on, he is my brother too." The assassin adds.

"Ok, ok." He waves them off and leaves the hall room.

He takes the stairs and goes to his brother's room. He knocks on the door twice and then, enters. There he is, Adriano, his brother, perched up on the couch, playing video games on the t.v. He locks the door behind him, and his brother turns his head, hearing the noise.

Dino's eyes brighten up seeing his brother. "Where were you in the morning? I was looking for you before going out. I asked Laura about you. She said you already left for work."

"I was busy, Dino. There was a meeting." He explains, opening his suit jacket and settling beside his brother on the couch. He sets the jacket on the arm.

"Meeting for a whole day?" Dino narrows his eyes at his brother.

"Yes, just ended now and I came here to meet you first thing. Even before showering." He winks at his brother, ruffling his hair.

"No, bro you stink. Get away." Dino swats his hand away, and gets up from the couch, pinching his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

He throws his head back and laughs, his shoulders shaking.

"Whatever. Now sit down." He orders, composing himself.

Dino complies, knowing his brother's behaviour all too well, and does as he said.

"Where did you go today?"

"I was out with friends." Dino replies.

"Neglecting your studies?" His voice hardens.

"Bro, we have had a talk about this before. My age is not to study. It is to explore." He whines.

"And I have told you before that you can study further, and as far as your exploration is concerned, you can do that after getting a job."

"Job?" Dino shrieks, standing up again. "Hell, no! I will not go around, giving interviews to companies that I can buy with just a snap of my fingers." He yells.

"Tone down your arrogance, boy." His jaw clenches in anger. "If you do not want to give interviews then, you do not have to. I will arrange something in one of my companies or a company of my associates. But you will do this."

"But why? When we have our own business why will I take up another job?" His brother says.

"So you want to work in my company?" He asks.

"No. Not your company." Dino looks down. "I want to work in our family business, continue our legacy. I want to do what you are doing." he whispers.

"The hell I will let you do that!" He gets up from the couch, seething.

"Please bro, I want to help you. I really want to." His brother pleads.

"Over my dead body." He grits his teeth, barely controlling his anger.

"Why are you so hell bent on keeping me away from this profession?"

"Because mom wanted this. She asked me to protect you. Keep you away from the darkness of this world, and I can not fail her."

"You realise that at some point, I will have to come out. You can not always hide me like this." Dino replies.

"I can, and I will. Till I have a single drop of blood in my body."

"Bro..." His brother starts again.

"This is not up for discussion, Adriano." He holds up his hand and Dino closes his mouth.

His brother using his full name instead of calling him 'Dino' means he is really mad.

"Enough for today. Wrap it all up and come down for dinner in an hour. I will be waiting for you at the table. Do not be late." He says and leaves the room, taking his suit jacket on his way.

Dino sighs in resignation and starts arranging the room.


After an hour or so, everyone comes down for dinner.

Alessandro at the head of the table. Dino on his right side. Francesco, and Damien on his left side.

Everyone is busy, munching down on the traditional Italian dishes made by the chefs, and especially Laura.

"You really have magic in your hands, Laura. " Damien compliments, moaning at the deliciousness of the lasagna hitting his taste buds.

"Thank you, sir." The old woman smiles a little, looking at the crazy assassin.

"I should cut your hands for this you know." Damien says, looking at her.

The woman's eyes widen in visible fear.

"Damien, stop fucking around with her." Adriano laughs, nudging him with his elbow.

"What? I was just joking." The assassin rolls his eyes, and Francesco and the man sitting at the head of the table scoff at their childishness.

"Sorry, Laura." Damien smiles at the old woman.

She just smiles back nervously, sighing in relief and returns to the kitchen.

The men finish their dinners and retire to their respective rooms.

Alessandro is the last one to leave the dining room. After he makes sure from his men that the security of the mansion is intact, only then does he leave. Before going to his own bed room, he goes to his brother's. He creaks open the door to Dino's room, trying not to make a sound, in case he is already sleeping. The sight in the room calms his nerves. Adriano is sleeping on the bed, snoring slightly. His face is buried in the pillow.

Alessandro can not possibly sleep, knowing his brother is upset with him. He is the only family he has left after all. The most precious part of his life.

He walks up to the bed, and just stands there for a while, looking at the brother he has nurtured like his own son.

He leans down and kisses the crown of Dino's head, murmuring, "Good night, kiddo," and leaves the room.

He enters his room, puts his wrist watch, and cell phone on the side table and gets in the bed, thinking back to the tough days of his life.

A child without parents is hard enough to handle. Moreover, Alessandro too was only eight years old then, but had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He had to take care of little Dino when he was not old enough take care of himself even.

Maintaining a business like theirs is not easy, that too with the tension of a little brother at home. But he managed everything like the responsible man he is. Not ever letting Dino feel the absence of their parents.

That is the reason people look up to him with so much respect.

But he does not give a fuck about what others think of him. The only thing he cares about is coming back home after a hard day of work to the smiling face of his brother and his family.

People loved by him are very few. That too are inside his family.

But when he loves someone, he loves them fiercely. Breaking every boundary known to the humankind. He can go to any extent to protect the people he loves.

Maybe that is why he has not fallen for anyone, yet, because nowadays it is impossible to find someone who will love him back just as fiercely. That too not just for his looks, bank balance or social status.

A dry chuckle leaves his mouth at the absurd way his thoughts are running to.

He turns off the lamp on his side table and calls it a night, waiting for sleep to come.

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